"The fear of being judged, looking stupid, being wrong or feeling like a failure can take away all your creative energy."~ Billy Lim
What is it behind the tagline? DARE TO FAIL. Feeling fine and indifferent after making so much failure you start to believe you are such a looser,
or there is diamond hidden in the dirt. Is it possible?
Hell yes. In every possible way, hard-knock experience can be the turning point in one’s life. There was a story about one millionaire who went bankrupt during the 2007 recession. He was dead broke and lost all his assets. He.and his wife had to sell nasi lemak and pulut panggang by the side road for survival. But the strong couples never gave up on themselves. They braved through the rain, expand their business and become millionaire again. If you noticed back ten years ago his success story used to be publicized by the local television channel.
DARE TO FAIL actually is a title to a motivational book written by Billy Lim, a successful Malaysian motivational speaker. The book is no. 1 bestseller in Malaysia and had inspired a lot of people. One of those people is me, myself.
Billy Lim ignites distinctive self acceptance and self value by applying mistakes and failures as valuable tools. He gave a lot of examples from his own experience. Billy succeeded in transforming negative thinking to optimism and recreates the right attitude toward success. A good read for spiritual sparks and entrepreneurship.
You can also visit his website, Dare To Fail at http://www.daretofail.com/ where failure is a part of success..
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