Hi, there! How G.R.E.A.T are you feeling today? I am surfboarding in the sky! Fantastic day it is. Tell yourself that today is a FANTASTIC day.

I’ve been following my friend’s blog and quite surprise with their performance. They created sustainable credibility among the readers, these people keep coming to the weblog for juicy ideas, daily inspiration and motivation. I am always a big fan of them, almost a compulsory to check out their latest articles. Their article is their ideology and maturity. Guess that’s what most blogger feels, they themselves are a big fan of their friends.

These powerful, emerging young motivational bloggers such as shueqry, dikmal, linn comel (to name just a few I’m very familiar of) in our local scene are very determined. They are being original, they project solid voice and in time has grown into mature youth. Shueqry himself in these past few weeks has quadrupled his number of visitors compared to mine at 7000 hits! While im hibernating, he’s running on the fast track! Dikmal is another influential motivational blogger from Malaysian generationext. I see her talent in sustaining a harmonious relationship with fellow bloggers and her readers besides serving motivation at their simplest and most practical form.

One of professional blogger that I believe inspires, or at the very least ignites blogging interest in most of us is pakdi. He took blogging seriously at early youth, evolving ever since into a financial based theme of various issues. Esprit the Corps is one of the 70 most influential weblogs in Malaysia recently. So, blogging is a powerful tool, for any means you desire. You want to be radical? This is the s.p.a.c.e. Political review, art & entertainment, social networking, or even job for instance zahiramli, blogging on tax, KHEDN and related matters, is an education for the public.

Bloggers are influenced by each other. They adapted ideas of others into their writing, hybridizing a new idea with their own and creating new elements which soon will be applied by others. You know why? Robert T. Kiyosaki said the people you choose to make friend with will give a lot of influence to you. By his term, if you want to be a bussinessperson, you have to make friend with bussinessmen. In blogger’s circle of influence, these people from different background, expertise and passion will project bright ideas and different perspective that feed your own creativity. Different individual will be polarized towards different subject. But the application of idea is always there.

In a few years to come, I see these bloggers will have stronger bond with their readers and leading them to a new direction in philosophy and its application. Their tendency towards originality, specific dimension of idea is an indicator of maturity.

Inspiring people is a satisfying contribution. You benefits the society, you help the needy, you polishes your skills, talent & ability, you inspires people, nurtures a philosophy, develop your own asset, and you yourself is growing and evolving with the readers. These are the little things that excite us the most.

Excitement is the fuel. The motivation. They are abundance to be explored. EXCITEMENT for me is everywhere, and they can be very simple and principal. I writes email in Hindi to my penpal bhayya (brother), is an excitement. I get some comments on my blog, is an excitement. I get some good info from fellow bloggers is an excitement. I watches people linking back to my blog is an excitement. Excitement could be many things. Create one. It’ll linked to many.

Now, although I will be disappearing every now and then, I will return with stronger formulation and application of self development. Rising from a hard-knock experience need a going and growing motivation. We will plant seeds of success in every hole of painful mistakes using the very basic and most powerful tool, the m.i.n.d.


Dik Mal said...

Salam Sis,

Aik nama saya ada di situ. Segan nya saya. Saya masih baru dan masih banyak ketinggalan dalam banyak perkara. Tapi satu yang menyebabkan saya terus menyala, adalah kerana saya melakukan sesuatu yang saya gemari :)

Sis Melur juga seorang berbakat besar. I am very proud to have a senior just like you!

KMNS Rawks! -- PEACE!

Dik Mal
AMpang Selangor
Blog Pembangunan Diri dan Motivasi MInda.

joshua said...

Hey, so nice to have found this blog of yours, so interesting. I sure hope and wish that you take courage enough to pay me a visit in my PALAVROSSAVRVS REX!, and plus get some surprise. My blog is also so cool!

Admin said...

Steady la melor..walaupun kita selalu berlainan pendapat..tapi aku tetap sokong kau.. :)