Mastering the Secret: Use Your Emotion to Guide Your Attention

"Nonviolence is the answer to the crucial political and moral questions of our time; the need for mankind to overcome oppression and violence without resorting to oppression and violence. Mankind must evolve for all human conflict a method which rejects revenge, aggression, and retaliation. The foundation of such a method is love."

-Martin Luther King Jr., December 11, 1964

One luminary who seemed to have a grasp of the secret was Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. He spoke of the process of nonviolence. The process of nonviolence presupposes an understanding that the group or individual that presents violence to a problem of violence only generates a more intense form of violence and no real progress can ever be made that way.

This is an essential element to the teaching of the Secret and will be discussed on my website. What you bring your observation to will come back to haunt you again as an echo of your own attention and intention. It is like the feelings you are emanating, in order to bring more of what you don't want must be hateful, angry, guilty, fearful. However, if you are interested in changing the direction toward which your wheel of fortune is turning, the feelings that you produce by thinking the thoughts you think will give you the most powerful clue to attracting what you want.

from impax:
there is a link i would very much recommend readers to take a look at. the secret of mind, share with you some good tips on how to become millionaire, what is a success person, the secret behind THE SECRET & the science of getting rich. see the secret of mind....


franx said...

It's good Article..Melor, Wow you have change your template..nice lah..
Ok Thanks a lot for your support

Dik Mal said...

Salam Sis :)

menggunakan emosi untuk memandu perhatian...

itu amat penting dalam mengenal pasti apa yang kita betul-betul mahukan..tol tak sis?

what you really2 want..

p.s:hari tu berborak dengan ayah hingga jam 2.30 pagi, dan dah bina satu anologi tentang emosi,minda dan tindakan.....

but in terms to know what you really want. emotions will takes you there...

Dik Mal
Ampang, Selangor