There is more than one way to live this life. I am currently reading a motivational book entitled The Millionaire Mind, published by Bantam Book, authored by Thomas J. Stanley (2001), a professor of Georgia State University. He spends 34 years researching on the millionaire community. He is one of the modern days Napoleon Hill. His approach is academically oriented research while Hill concentrated on the philosophies and interviews with millionaires.

What fascinating about the book is it uncovers the real life of millionaires, which most of time surprised me because it is 360degree different from what you see on TV. What kind of house a millionaire will look for when buying a new one? A new, modern house located at young neighborhood? Wrong. They prefer older house in older and friendly neighbourhood, because they believe it is better to purchase existed house than indulge into building business. Cost-effectiveJ. Anyway, who can assure the house really worth the asking price? There is no record yet. What about groceries? Do they go for expensive outlets? They prefer to shop for bulky goods at warehouse stores, they made shopping list, they repaired old shoes rather than buy a new one and most of them refinished their furniture rather than buy a brand new one. Well, that is not too difficult for us to do, isn’t it?

They live moderately below their earning. How about vacation? Paris, London, New York? Unlike the beauties and celebrities, only 4% skiing in Alps, 3% cruising around the world and 20% went to Paris with some of it subsidized by business purposes. 85% of them spent their nonworking time with tax consultant. Yeap. 86% of them visit the museum and 68% involved in community activities. I feel glad I’m an introvert.

These millionaires didn’t shine very much in schooldays (majority of them equals to CGP 2.6). Most of them were told they are not smart enough, too slow in learning and averaged in intelligence. But they are the type of people who think differently, find a niche business they love the most and have high creative intelligence.

The key is to think differently. They tend to look at things at different perspective. Rather than follow the crowd, they see a niche that can profit in the future and indulge their soul and energy to make it work. They are the type of students who give two answers and some descriptions in all objective test paper.

So that is what the millionaires do. Finally that makes sense to me what pakdi really wants to say about a classic video clip in his blog. The clip is about a few people who argue on the right formula for a math question. They really have different, silly calculation to get the same answer, just like the millionaires did. There is more than one way to live this this vid at pakdi's blog: Esprit De Corps


Anonymous said...

Tak sangka kebanyakan jutawan hidup begitu simple dan kepala hotak dia orang pun tersangat creative untuk menghasilkan duit

Anonymous said...

oh, dah baca buku tu jugak ye :)

kalau dah dapat point dalam artikel tu bagus lah :)

clue said...

bro zahir,
tu la saya pun tak sangka. mereka pun bsederhana macam konsep wasatiah dlm islam. alngkah islam tu satu agama yg benar.

memula tu mmg x fhm video tu, lps baca line 'jwb soalan objektif dgn beri 2 jwpn siap penjelasan lg' dlm buku tu, itu sudah serupa dgn situasi dlm video :)