Why do we tend to make more excuses when feel afraid of failing? Excuses are always there. It is our nature to create ‘logical reasons’, ‘facts’ and ‘the truth’ to compliments the ‘fear of failing’ defense mechanism. Most of the time, we are not ready for the consequences. We don’t dare to take the pain, to hear the bad news or to risk the reputation. According to Mark Victor Hansen, the author of Dare To Win, F.E.A.R may be seen as acronym for False Evidence Appearing Real.

The only thing we have to fear is fear itself…~ Franklin D. Roosevelt.

Fear is human natural defense system; it is good in critical time. But be aware, this type of fear limits us from trying. It is the biggest enemy of success! It creates roadblocks, anxiety, guilt and defensive behavioral which lead to a dead-end. It paralyses your desire. The more we think we want to make a change, the more uncomfortable the issue becomes. Do you notice how fear corrodes your self-confidence, self esteem and ambition? As long as we let fear control us, we will never dare to fail, or win. What makes you afraid the most, fear of failure or fear of success?

Confront your fear, and you can make them disappears ~ Napoleon Hill

To overcome fear, you need momentum against inertia. Momentum is the energy to MOVE an object from immobile state to moving state. Inertia is the energy inside a still object which REFUSES TO CHANGE from staying still, into moving. Fear of failure, is principle of science, you know. So there is solution to it and you can free yourself from fear.

Success is not something you get too easy, well, so do in getting failure.

the key is to overcome fear.
whenever you are push into difficult situation, face the fear. automatically calm yourself, not paralyzed yourself. take it as you are. dont feel paralyzed by the thought of making mistakes, be cool after mistakes, remember it is a lesson. a part of success. think of doing whatever you can do to make it work. whenever you want to do something different, DARE yourself. what do you got to loose when you dare to try? loose you fear.

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